Kate Ryan is a yoga teacher and eternal student who has traveled aboad teaching her high-spirited style of vinyasa and circus yoga.
Kate discovered yoga through a personal crisis in 2013, "It saved my life, it allowed me to accept the things I could not change, and gave me the courage to change the things I can. Yoga was accessible, it was my practice of self, the practice that brought me home. I was able to see myself from a different perspective and this gave me life".
Always looking to discover new challenges through Yoga, Kate is here to play. Her practice is light-hearted with an emphasis on breathe awareness and self-reflection, she encourages her students to reconnect with themselves in a playful manner, challenging fear and doubt with asanas and exercises.
She loves handstands, armbalances, elbow stands, and anything upside down or backwards. She is a strong believer of living life inverted.

Social Circus for a Social Change
There is a place for everyone in the circus...
Welcome to your social circus! A place for clowns to play and dance all day.
So... what is social circus you ask?
Cirque Du Soleil, Caravan Circus and Clowns without Borders are just some of the circus groups that support social circus and all it has to offer.
Social circus is the growing movement toward the use of circus arts as mediums for social justice and social good. It uses alternative educational tools to work with youth who are marginalized or at socialor personal risk.
"Through the dynamic approach of art-based education, the "Social Circus" seeks to expand the opportunities of and teach valuable skills to today's youth. The Social Circus "recognizes and values the role of art and culture as powerful agents in the education of at-risk youth, producing knowledge, and promoting the interchange of ideas and experiences."
The objective is to increase self-awareness, individuality and collective unity, self-discipline and many other values in order to transform the vision and capabilities of at-risk youth.
In 2013, Kate shared social circus with Nepal, a small country located north of India. She taught in orphanages and helped fundraise for local charities with dance performances and workshops.
In 2014 Kate co-managed the community circus group, Viral Happiness in Melbourne, Australia. Teaching social circus to the communities at weekly events, inspiring healthy lifestyle choices and transforming student bodies.

"Imagine a world where every one of us is able and encouraged to share our gifts. Imagine a world where fears are conquered and dreams come true".