...Inhale. Love...
Kate Ryan is a yoga teacher and eternal student who has traveled abroad teaching her high-spirited style of vinyasa and circus yoga (think yoga for the clowns!).
Kate discovered yoga through a personal crisis in 2013, "It saved my life, it allowed me to accept the things I could not change, and gave me the courage to change the things I can. Yoga was accessible, it was my practice of self, the practice that brought me home. I was able to see myself from a different perspective and this gave me life".
Always looking to discover new challenges in her practice, Kate is here to play. Her practice is light-hearted with an emphasis on breathe awareness and self-reflection, she encourages her students to reconnect with themselves in a playful manner, challenging fear and doubt with asanas and exercises.
She loves handstands, arm balances, elbow stands, and anything upside down or backwards. She is a strong believer of living life inverted.
Kate Ryan is a yoga teacher and eternal student who has traveled aboad teaching her high-spirited style of vinyasa and circus yoga.
Kate discovered yoga through a personal crisis in 2013, "It saved my life, it allowed me to accept the things I could not change, and gave me the courage to change the things I can. Yoga was accessible, it was my practice of self, the practice that brought me home. I was able to see myself from a different perspective and this gave me life".
Always looking to discover new challenges through Yoga, Kate is here to play. Her practice is light-hearted with an emphasis on breathe awareness and self-reflection, she encourages her students to reconnect with themselves in a playful manner, challenging fear and doubt with asanas and exercises.
She loves handstands, armbalances, elbow stands, and anything upside down or backwards. She is a strong believer of living life inverted.

For corporate, classes, or community building projects. These exercises and workshops facilitate better communication among your group. Motivates employees and students with games and more! Promotes creativity, develops problem solving skills, and breaks the barrier. There is no "I" in TEAM!

Yoga helps children to develop body awareness and learn how use their bodies in a healthy way. Play based learning and exercises to help manage stress. Learn the importance of healthy lifestyle choices, and have fun! Increases self confidence and positive self-image. Children feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group.

A play based program has many benefits for both children and adults as it facilitates the development of skills, dispositions and knowledge. An effective play based program can assist in developing lifelong learning skills that will stay with them beyond the learning environment. Engaging in play based learning enables use and development of thinking skills such as problem solving, reasoning and lateral thinking.